Wednesday, January 4

the pnw

two. zero. seven. teen.

no excuses. 

i suck at blogging. 

BUT not to worry. I've straightened out my priorities and are making 10:00pm
blog posts my new jam every now and then from now on

i get too many sweet emails and comments to stop blogging. 

i o u

so let's start! life is crazy

so here we gooooo

my cute husband and I began out crazy journey to law school!

together we toured a few schools back east and some in the west
and ultimately decided on the University of Oregon!

alex received an identical scholarship to oregon as he did to utah

home by our family and friends

home to our cute little duplex we came to adore

home to lu

home to diet cokes closer than 30 min away

BUT ultimately we decided. 

life is too short to not try something new! 

we only have this ONE chance in our lives before we have little baby bakers
running around to go somewhere together.. ALONE and have an adventure

and it was THE BEST decision we've ever made 

so it was goodbye LU

(devastating i dont want to talk about it)

goodbye cute family and friends

(also dont want to talk about it)

and hello pnw!

life update:

we love oregon. it rains all day everyday. 

we are living in a twilight novel but we are loving it! 

we moved into the most unique and sweet little place. 

our home was an old school here in eugene 20 years ago and recently renovated to
condos! we have a principal office. little drinking fountains in the halls and everything

so here we go! i promise to be better

i know my blog is so much more than what i hope it never becomes

a follow me and my recipe outfit weird tips etc., blog

but i know its my greatest tool for missionary work. 

i've met more amazing people through this blog around the world then I 
ever could have on my own. 

im so thankful for my loving heavenly father

this crazy fun rainy adventure

and for bake

1 comment:

  1. Okay, we are ready for the next post...;) I LOVE WHEN YOU BLOG!
